Thursday, January 29, 2009

officially missing stf

omg, i miss stf...
after about 2 years tinggalkn stf, i miss everythng especially chesco,blok e n sumbangsih..
yeaahhh,remember ble time sumbangsih,mesti busy,practise sume..
hhaahha,especially mod dance..practise underground smpi kantoi dgn warden..
tp worth it ble complete one song..haih,i miss everythng..i miss blok e,even blok efamous dgn blok plg buruk but still da best blok ever..hahaha.Dorm e 1-2,wahhh,miss larrr katil kat dorm,
tidur atas katil kat yg plg empuk even the tilam dah buruk,mybe dah 10 thn..hahhaha,the most important thing that i miss a lot is PKBM (L)..the best memories ever..all the marching, gle..trip to perlis,can all of u just imagine our trip to perlis all the way form JOhor bahru..dr nmpk singapore.bleh nmpk thailand,hehehehhehe..mak buah yg byk berjasa..thanks a lot..suddenly terignt,romance game..hahhahah,game that i played with qyla,que,aina...byk gle nama lelaki yg pelik2..hahha,ye larr kan,all girls school,so boys yg ktrang knal pon sgt larr limited..hahahahha,im miss stf a lot,even mase still student,tak sabar sgt nk berambus dr stf but now,hell yeaahhh, teringin nk blk stf and see all the changes..


sns said...

miss chesco gak.
tau tak blok e dah takde?
blok tu still adde kot.
tapi saadong tkda dah

jaja binti md annuar said...

saadong xde dah??
waahhhhh,gle sdeh dowh..
patut arrr aku tgk web stf result sukantara kot,xde saadong..aku igtkn saadong trok smpai xmsk list..
weeeehhhh,omg,sdeh nk mmpos k

tiArA EmiLY said...

haah la jaja,
blok E dah xde
sedeyh :(

aku fly 12hb feb
kul 9.30 mlm
aku dh kat bpahat
so cm susah nk hang out
cmne ek?